We move into December with Episode 101 of the #PackMentality Pop-Ins Podcast. Host Hayden Hidlay will talk with NC State head wrestling coach Pat Popolizio on the happenings in and around the program before getting with the show’s featured interview, 197-pounder Isaac Trumble.

Show Segments

0:45- Welcome. Pat’s always happy to see his co-host. 

1:30 – Recapping CMU and Illinois. 

7:20 – Staying on campus for Thanksgiving to prep for CKLV.

8:08 – Thanksgiving Question: Too much hype and too little hype on food.

10:30 – Hayden trying to talk a big game on in-room scraps. 

11:40 – Looking at the CKLV (with a hat tip to the show’s former host)

14:30 – Who’s going to CKLV and why.

25:00 – Some stuff Hayden’s doing, that he never thought he’d be doing.

27:18 – Question: How do you curb the medical forfeit problem. 

29:15 – Trent’s Bonus Question: Best win and loss of Pat’s careers. 

33:30 – Isaac Trumble Interview.

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